Sunday, 13 July 2014

My Diet Cheat Sheet

hi guys! 
Now that this blog is up, I decided to move this most over here. I'll slow start to make reviews and things happen too but between working two jobs and studying, I have about zero ME time. Occasionally I get to take random sneaky selfies at work and post those on instgram :p

I've recently been asked a lot on “You look so skinny, what did you do?” “Did you lose weight?” etc. And the answer is….(a while back!)

I DON’T KNOW.I haven’t been on a scale since April - and my weight fluctuates like crazy depending on my eating sprees.... All I can say that I now fit into a size 4 AUS (size 0 US) dress (which I never fit into before) so yes, I guess I have lost a little weight. 

The following is not to be understood as 100% effective or the secret to weight loss. I’m not even a distributor of these products… so please don’t blame me if you don’t see results. This is purely based on my body and how it reacts to certain things.

1. I drink a lot of Rooibos tea though out the day. Probably 4-5 cups a day. Now if you don’t know what that is, please click on the link above. For those who are lucky enough to be in South Africa, you can get it at a really cheap price, others will probably have to order it or pay about $5.50 for 40 bags. Why I drink it is because it’s sweet and takes away my craving for chocolates. It is also a better substitute for soft drinks. 

2. I then take Benefibre once a day, either with rooibos or with my other drinks. What does Fibre do? If you take some time to read the article you’ll understand that Fibre does many things. But the thing I want to touch on is that fibre adds bulk - which means that you’ll feel fuller for longer. But how can you feel fuller if you haven’t eaten anything? Well. That’s the cheating part -after drinking this with tea,I don’t feel the need to pig out for a meal - even when I’m very hungry. 

3. In addition to the above, I also take Isotonix Digestive Enzymes. One scoop daily before any food (usually before breakfast). More info can be found on the link. 
4. I try to eat very little at dinner, or least no food after 7pm (this is dependant on when you sleep though, probably good idea to stop eating 4 hours before you sleep)
And there you have it. That is all I do. Notice how I have no exercise in there. Ha. Yes that’s because I’m the laziest person you’ll ever meet. My only exercise is standing for about 12 hours over the weekend for work. Other than that, I basically sit at a table all day. 

All the products I've recommended are safe and within health regulations - just don’t go over board in taking them. GOOD LUCK. Let me know if you guys see any results.

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